Presently in the iPod

  • Wildflowers, Tom Petty
  • Dino, Dean Martin
  • Vs, Pearl Jam
  • Redemption Songs, Jars of Clay
  • Suddenly I Miss Everyone, Explosions in the Sky

Monday, April 02, 2007


I've been asked by my employer to cease blogging because of the strong religous opinions present in many of my posts. This is a real tough one for me as I believe in freedom of speech and the right to express oneself in whatever way. However, when faced with the choice of resigning from my job or ending this blog, it wasn't much of a choice. My family has to eat.

I've enjoyed the interaction with my handful of readers and have been blessed by many of you. I'll spend most of my time from now on pursuing my lifelong dreams of knitting, bird watching, and hopscotch.



1 comment:

Mark said...

The request by your boss has to fall strcitly within the confines of what you do while on company time. Legally an employer has a right to restrict you're internet access / actions while on company time, but that is it.

That isn't a restriction on freedom of speech, since you are certainly still free to post about any subject whatsoever on your own time. You have total liberty to post while you're not at work, no?

So just as long as you aren't bashing you're employer, giving out any trade secrets or compromising the security of the company, or doing anything illegal, unethical, or immoral, an employer shouldn't have any issues against your having your personal life and beliefs, even if they are exposed on the internet.

I am sure the Lord will guide your convictions, and hopefully you'll post more when it suits you on your own time.

God bless you Ryan.